Image search results - "smithfield" |
m/o 855584 viewsMetro West Bedford BLP2/Smithfield Euro ex Cumberland in 1987. Sold.
Remnants136 viewsFound these remains of a Bedford SB5 with Smithfield body on a farm in Hartley in 2020. Origins unknown.
u/r383 viewsAn AEC Reliance with Smithfield body seen in Port Pirie 21/6/2011.
ZIB 250449 viewsAction Volvo B58/Smithfield.
ZIB 251458 viewsAction(251) Volvo B58/Smithfield.
ZIB 331472 viewsAction (331) AEC Swift/Smithfield.
ZIB 337452 viewsAction 337 Volvo B58/Smithfield.
3890 MO1028 viewsLBJ Tours 3890 MO Leyland Leopard/Smithfield Euro at Wollongong 3/2/10. It is ex MO 3101, ex Westway, Bankstown Airport m/o 8952; ex Crossley Bus Lines m/o 8952; ex Ventura Bus Lines, Melbourne, VIC (94) FRW 094; ex APG 794. It was deregd 17/1/2011.
m/o 4248541 viewsLiverpool Transport Bedford YMT3/Smithfield in 1988.
ASO 919689 viewsWestrans Sunshine (19) Bedford BLP2/Smithfield in 1987.
m/o 448 358 viewsMetro West Bedford YRQ2/Smithfield”Euro” in 1986. ex m/o 972; ex Cumberland Bus Co Pty Ltd, Rydalmere m/o 972 31/8/81. Sold by North & Western Bus Lines to Mersey Bus and Coach (later Merseylink), Devenport as DJ 0948 (co5/017) 16/4/94, then to Sim's Coaches, Sprent - subsequent disposal unknown.
061 DBC463 viewsThompsons Strathpine (61) Leyland Leopard/Smithfield in 2001.
m/o 7521379 viewsHarbour City Coaches Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex UTA ? in AOA for Fosters in 1987.
m/o 8446310 viewsKaten & Heath Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex UTA 1752, in 1991. Has since been with a number of enthusiasts.
m/o 8173308 viewsKaten & Heath LeylandLeopard/Smithfield ex UTA 1645, in 1991. Deregd 15/3/98 after an accident and sold to Victoria for a motorhome 11/4/98.
m/o 8446337 viewsKaten & Heath Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex UTA 1752, in 1996. Has since been with a number of enthusiasts.
m/o 7920329 viewsKaten & Heath Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex Southtrans, ex UTA 1742, in1991.
m/o 7997342 viewsKaten & Heath Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex Sothtrans, ex UTA 1526 in AOA for the MTA in1991.
m/o 81501016 viewsCanterbury Bus Lines ex UTA Leyland Leopard/Smithfield Mark 2 1539. Deregd by 5/1993.
m/o 8452814 viewsCanterbury Bus Lines ex UTA Leyland Leopard/Smithfield Mark 2 3954 which later became m/o 020 and deregd 18.12.96.
m/o 541830 viewsCanterbury Bus Lines ex UTA Leyland Leopard/Smithfield Mark 2 1539 which spent less than three years in service being deregd by 31/5/1993 with the plates going to an ex Ventura Leyland Leopard.
m/o 015846 viewsCanterbury Bus Lines ex UTA Leyland Leopard/Smithfield Mark 2 1540 which was deregd by 10/97. Plates were next reported on a 1998 Mercedes O405/CC with Crossley Bus Lines - this was still in use with these plates with Veolia in 2011.
m/o 4169753 viewsCaringbah Bus Service Bedford SB5/Smithfield in 1988.
m/o 4290692 viewsCaringbah Bus Service Bedford BLP2/Smithfield in 1991.
m/o 077482 viewsRevesby Bus & Coach Service Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex John J Hill m/o 6304 rebody. Withdrawn by Connex 11/02 then to Metropolitan Bus & Coach Service, Casula as (18) ZEC 052 then reregd m/o 8231 - possibly scrapped before take over by Casula Bus & Coach.
m/o 7137489 viewsRevesby Bus & Coach Service AEC Reliance/Smithfield ex Auburn Passenger Transport m/o 005 (in a swap of plates), ex John J Hill m/o 6318 rebody in 1991. It was reregd m/o 911 and then sold to Pleasure Tours as m/o 911 where it was deregd with the plates returning to Revesby.
m/o 156531 viewsRevesby Bus & Coach Service Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex m/o 8439, ex Gold Coast Citybus ex UTA Mark II 1718. Plates subsequently on an ex Venture Leyland Leopard.
m/o 350508 viewsRevesby Bus & Coach Service Leyland Leopard/Smithfield MkII ex UTA 1543 in 1991.
m/o 365483 viewsRevesby Bus & Coach Service Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex UTA Mark II 1732 departing Bankstown Interchange in 1991.
m/o 647432 viewsMetro West Bus Lines Bedford VAM/Perkins/Smithfield in 1986.
m/o 560424 viewsMetro West Bedford BLP2/Smithfield Euro in 1986. Plate transferred to another bus by 4/95 - disposal unknown.
m/o 019460 viewsMetro West Bedford BLP2/Smithfield Euro in 1985. Sold to Western Cabs Society Ltd t/a North Western Buses, Henderson, NZ as WW 3170 12/97 (Reg 11/2/98; Operating in full North & Western livery, including signage); Replaced by early-2010 & sold for a motorhome.
MO 8020283 viewsLunn, Cowra Bedford BLP2/Smithfield in 1990.
MO 7653264 viewsLunn, Cowra Bedford BLP2/Smithfield in 1990.
MO 8139289 viewsLunn, Cowra Bedford BLP2/Smithfield in 1990.
MO 8142291 viewsGoulding, Cowra Bedford BLP2/Smithfield in 1990.
MO 7657317 viewsCoffs Harbour Coaches (12) Bedford BLP2/Smithfield "Euro" - sold to Appledore , Victor Harbour SA as VXA 506.
m/o 8289456 viewsDelwood Coaches Leyland Leopard PSU3A/2Rsp/Smithfield ex UTA m/o 1761 in 1991. It became (54) with Baxters Bus Lines the next year. Then sold to Roadcoach (Truemelt Pty Ltd), Ulladulla and then without use to The Moruya Bus Company.
m/o 6126296 viewsRutty’s Bus Service Leyland Leopard PSU3A/2Rsp/Smithfield ex UTA 1519. deregd 29/11/96 - Disposal unknown. Seen here in 1991.
BL 256339 viewsBankstown Coaches MAN 7.80FOC / Smithfield. It was reregd TV 705 then sold to McKay, Gladstone as MO 7210. Then sold to Cavanagh Kempsey with business. Then sold to Brad Loxton, Seaton, SA as VNL 329.
LEU 425575 viewsBankstown Coaches MAN 7.80FOC/Smithfield which was reregd TV 707 and then TV 377 with Challenge Travel and then TV 518. It was then sold to the Christian Aboriginal Parents School, Coolgardie WA CG 4280.
m/o 7402488 viewsBaxters (39) Leyland Leopard/Smithfield ex UTA 1637, with rebuilt front. Sold to Warren Bemnar (Bathurst Coaches) where a conversion to a motor home commenced.
m/o 185243 viewsBerowra Coach Services Hino/Smithfield.
MO 8021188 viewsBloomfield, Molong Bedford BLP2/Smithfield between school services in 1990.
m/o 324311 viewsBlythe Bedford SB5/Smithfield of 1973 on route 229 to Roselands. Centralian photo.
m/o 284383 viewsPhotographed at Edensor Park depot, mo284 came to Bosnjaks with the purchase of Fairlines Bus Service and was a Bedford VAM 70 with Smithfield body of 1976. Centralian photo
m/o 071328 viewsBosnjak Leyland Leopard PSU3B/2R coach with Smithfield body of 1973. Centralian photo.
m/o 5892388 viewsBosnjak Albion Viking 55 coach with Smithfield body of 1972.
m/o 4271372 viewsBosnjak Bedford BLP2 with Smithfield body of 1978. Centralian photo.
m/o 5115373 viewsBosnjak's developed their own chassis, the Bosnjak JBJ. Seen here is their prototype/demonstrator with chassis number JBJ001. As the details and badges on the vehicle show, it had a Rolls Royce engine and ran on LPG. This initial JBJ carried a Smithfield body of 1979. Pearce at Valley Heights bought one or 2 examples and Bosnjaks themselves operated a few. Centralianphoto.
m/o 4946351 viewsA Bosnjak vehicle with Bosnjak JBJ chassis, seen here in the Red Arrow livery and fitted with a Smithfield body of 1980. Centralian photo.
m/o 4944416 viewsVolvo B58/Smithfield Red Arrow unit that came to Bosnjak with their purchase of part of the Western Road business. Sold from Hillsbus to Warrigal Charters, Wollongong as TV 3743 8/7/07. Then sold for a motorhome in Melbourne, VIC 22/12/08. Centralian photo.
m/o 4526450 viewsAt Bosnjak’s Penrith depot at unknown fate is m/o 4526 Leyland Leopard with Smithfield body. Centralian photo.
m/o 180584 viewsBosnjak’s, Edensor Park Albion VK55/Smithfield.
m/o 284583 viewsBosnjak’s, Edensor Park Bedford/Smithfield ex Fairlines.
m/o 4109899 viewsBosnjaks Penrith Scania BF80/Smithfield in April 1978. It was sold to Belvedere Coaches, Newcastle (Allan Anderson) as m/o 5081 and then sold to unknown owner.
m/o 5939643 viewsBosnjak’s Coach Lines Albion Viking VK55/Smithfield on a Bankstown Girls High Snow trip in 1973.
m/o 872649 viewsBosnjaks Edensor Park Leyland Worldmaster/Smithfield
TV 630560 viewsBosnjak Smithfield bodied coach. Believed may have been a rebodied Volvo chassis. Centralian photo.
u/r553 viewsBosnjak Volvo/Smithfield coach on display at a bus show in the seventies. Centralian photo.
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