Bus Australia Photo Gallery

Image search results - "scania_K420EB"
TV 6100 and TV 8659104 viewsSid Foggs TV 6100 Scania K420EB and TV 8659 BCI Cruiser near Katoomba Falls Kiosk on a very foggy Wednesday morning May 2021.
6962 AO209 viewsDysons (474) a 2008, Scania K420EB/Irizar V/line Coach on the 23/08/2011.
1094 AO97 viewsBallarat Coaches (B28) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex V/Line livery, "Miss Adventure" ex (55) 5555AO, ex (55) VV00HV Firefly Express, Maidstone, Victoria, in Canberra 9/10/2018.
1094 AO97 viewsBallarat Coaches (B28) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex V/Line livery, "Miss Adventure" ex (55) 5555AO, ex (55) VV00HV Firefly Express, Maidstone, Victoria, in Canberra 9/10/2018.
1094 AO96 viewsBallarat Coaches (B28) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex V/Line livery, "Miss Adventure" ex (55) 5555AO, ex (55) VV00HV Firefly Express, Maidstone, Victoria, in Canberra 9/10/2018.
TV 8523486 viewsDenny Sydney Tours Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex 715 SPS Maguire Coaches Chincilla, at Katoomba 17/2/2018.
SB 60 DQ369 viewsSealink (41) Scania K420EB/Coach Design in AAT KIngs livery at Keswick 13/9/2016.
SB 60 DQ684 viewsKangaroo Island Sealink Scania K420EB/Coach Design in North Terrace, Adelaide 14/6/2013.
FUP 57756 viewsAAT Kings (Tranzit Coachlines) Scania K420EB6/Kiwi Bus Builders in Wellington 7/6/2018
299 VKU370 viewsBus Queensland Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts (299) on the Mt Isa service. At Ipswich 7 Dec 2015. Ex (32) 7732 AO, .5511 AO, SB 53 CD, Firefly Express, Maidstone, VIC.
3307 AO340 viewsCoach Tours of Australia/Sunbury Coaches (7) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (103) mo2812 (NT), ex (103) SB83CL (SA) AAT-Kings Tours, Botany, NSW, on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
BS 01 GJ288 viewsDysons Group, Bairnsdale: V/Line (881) Scania K440EB 14.5m/Coach Concepts in Melbourne on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
5555 AO248 viewsFirefly Coaches, Maidstone (55) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
5555 AO272 viewsFirefly Coaches, Maidstone (55) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
6963 AO538 viewsDysons 472 Scania K420EB/Irizar 'Century' at Leongatha on a V/line run to Melbourne.
Leisure Time Tours L21 Scania K420EB6x2NI 18th Feb 2010 (2).JPG
ECE 2461243 viewsLeisure Time Tours L21 Scania K420EB6x2NI with Coach Design bodywork, photographed on 18th Feb 2010 at Vincent Street, Auckland.
LML (241).JPG
6983 AO434 viewsDysons (473) 6983 AO Scania K420EB/Irizar "Century" is seen at Melbourne Bus Link Footscray Depot in between V/Line runs.
mo 3267475 viewsAAT Kings (104) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex SB83CL in Fitzroy Crossinhg WA.

mo 3267477 viewsAAT Kings (104) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex SB83CL in Fitzroy Crossinhg WA.
mo 3267442 viewsRear view of AAT Kings (104) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex SB83CL in Fitzroy Crossinhg WA.
9997 AO271 viewsRockleigh Tours Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
9997 AO343 viewsRockleigh Tours Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
BS 00 GK287 viewsRockleigh Tours, Diggers Rest Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (107) mo2806 (NT), ex (107) SB75DN (SA) AAT-Kings Tours, Botany, NSW, on the BCSV tour 20th August 2016.
BS 00 GK311 viewsRockleigh Tours, Diggers Rest Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (107) mo2806 (NT), ex (107) SB75DN (SA) AAT-Kings Tours, Botany, NSW, on the BCSV tour 20th August 2016
6330 AO281 viewsSunbury Coaches/Coach Tours of Australia (6) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on a charter to the Melbourne Cup 1st November 2016.
3306 AO289 viewsSunbury Coaches:Coach Tours of Australia (6) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
3307 AO236 viewsCoach Tours of Australia/Sunbury Coaches (7) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (103) mo2812 (NT), ex (103) SB83CL (SA) AAT-Kings Tours, Botany, NSW, on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
3307 AO256 viewsCoach Tours of Australia/Sunbury Coaches (7) Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (103) mo2812 (NT), ex (103) SB83CL (SA) AAT-Kings Tours, Botany, NSW, on V/Line replacement 3rd September 2016.
8444 AO330 viewsSunshine Tours Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts on V/line replacement 3 September 2016.
0644 AO598 viewsWangaratta Coachlines (44) a 2009 Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (43) on rail replacement on the Melbourne-Seymour-Albury Line.
0650 AO577 viewsWangaratta Coachlines (50) a 2009 Scania K420EB/Coach Concepts ex (44) on rail replacement on the Melbourne-Seymour-Albury Line.
31 files on 1 page(s)