Bus Australia Photo Gallery

Image search results - "mercedes_OH1418"
MO 376189 viewsMurton's Broken Hill (M03) Mercedes OH1418/Austral Pacific in June 2005. Later reregd 4042 MO and is still this with CDC Broken Hill in 2021.
MO 9127, MO 5624, MO 3824237 viewsMurtons Broken Hill, (6) MO 9127 and (5) MO 5624 Leyland Tiger/PMC ex Crossley Bus Lines (unused), ex State Transit, ex North & Western Coaches and (M04) MO 3824 Mercedes OH1418/ABM Starliner, in June 2005.
m/o 71261428 viewsWestbus Windsor Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches '510' after its refurbishment and repaint into canary yellow livery. There is a photo of it in its previous livery in the Ben O galleries.

2384 MO386 viewsShoal Bus a 1995 Mercedes Benz OH1418/Superior ex MO 3018, ex North Nowra Bus Lines
2385 MO382 viewsShoal Bus a 1995 Mercedes Benz OH1418/Jakab ex MO 6617, ex MO 3198, ex Harrison's of Bomaderry.
6360 AO812 viewsVentura Group/Grenda Bus Service (256) Mercedes Benz OH1418/Austral Starliner dating back to 1989 ex Brownlees Albion Park NSW MO 1231, returning home to the Ventura/Peninsula Seaford Depot in the afternoon peak.
0175 AO1038 viewsVentura Group/Grenda Bus Service (337) Mercedes Benz OH1418/Coach Design dating back to 1993 acquired with take over of Blue Ridge Coaches & is ex WA., returning home to the Ventura/Peninsula Seaford Depot in the afternoon peak.
4403 AO855 viewsVentura Group/Grenda Bus Service/Peninsula Bus Lines (403) Mercedes Benz OH1418/Volgren dating back to 1994, returning home to the Ventura/Peninsula Seaford Depot in the afternoon peak.
4463 AO872 viewsVentura Group/Grenda Bus Service/Peninsula Bus Lines (463) Mercedes Benz OH1418/Volgren dating back to 2000, returning home to the Ventura/Peninsula Seaford Depot in the afternoon peak.
6025MO Edwards.jpg
6025 MO408 viewsEdwards, Armidale Mercedes Benz OH1418/Coach Design operating on A Day on the Greens 21/11/2015. It is seen here on the "North" route, travelling east along Barney Street after turning left from Marsh Street. Photo from Randommann.
6032 MO262 viewsEdwards, Armidale Mercedes Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches 310 operating on A Day on the Greens 21/11/2015. It was photographed on Taylor Street, about to turn right into Dumaresq Street on a run different to the "North" and "South" routes. Photo from Randommann.
SB 27 AS617 viewsBuses-R-Us (93) Mercedes Benx OH1418/Custom Coaches ex 4014 MO-ex MO 4642 Busabout, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W.-ex 4014 MO-ex MO 4642 Fearnes Investments, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W.-ex (283) m/o 8879 Busways, Blacktown, N.S.W. (B49D). Seen here in Slisbury South 19/3/2012.
mo 2515408 viewsBuslink Darwin (131) Mercedes OH1418/Volgren ex mo 1160, in Darwin 12/4/2013.
4861 MO482 viewsPicton Buslines Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches "315" ex MO 4339, in Picton 10/8/2012.
1456 MO247 viewsWestern Road Liners, Parkes (5) Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches 310 ex MO 2208; ex (21); ex Harris Bus Lines (Pachuca Pty Ltd), Parkes MO 2208 1/5/06 - Reseated from RC53F, repowered with a Cummins B series, returning to the depot after a school service 2/9/2016.
m/o 73171238 viewsKaten & Heath (Bustrans) Mercedes Benz OH1418/CC "510". The only bus from this fleet to pass to Baxters, then Transit First and then Veolia where it became (674) at Menai and then Taren Point.
m/o 898352 viewsBaxters Bus Lines (78) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches which was reregd AC23TQ before being sold to Transit First where it became m/o 8847 and then (673) at Veolia Transport – then lost that fleet number with Transdev NSW, Seen here in 2000.
BM 660176 viewsBacchus Marsh Coaches (15) Mercedes OH1418/Newnham ex DYP 980, in 1995.
BM 042177 viewsBacchus Marsh Coaches (29) Mercedes OH1418/Newnham (later regd 7029 AO) in 1995.
BM 045190 viewsBacchus Marsh Coaches (30) Mercedes OH1418/Newnham – since withdrawn.
BM 047171 viewsBacchus Marsh Coaches (32) Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches (later regd 7032 AO), in 1996.
EUV 411431 viewsMcKenzie's Tourist Service Mercedes OH1418/PMCA seen at the Healesville depot
MO 4238978 viewsWestbus Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Austral Denning Starliner ex King Bros Group, seen here in 2000 in all white operating at the Olympic Games.
MO 4202487 viewsBlue Ribbon Bus Co (66) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches “310” which became 3555 MO with Hunter Valley Buses.
MO 3088431 viewsWaller’s Bus Co, Nimbin (2) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Alan B. Denning "Galaxy" ex RH & CL Marsh (Bretdart Pty Ltd), Nimbin MO 3088 - First Alan B. Denning body produced. Since reregd 2969 MO – seen here in 2006.
MO 1411248 viewsCoffs Harbour Coaches (31) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Austral "Starliner". To King Bros - Sold to Brisbane Adventist College, Mansfield, QLD as (6) 878 GKT, then to Mount Gravatt Bus Service, Burbank, QLD as "Lenny" 878 GYE.
MO 1755227 viewsCoffs Harbour Coaches (35) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Austral sold to Brisbane Adventist College, Mt Gravatt as 768 GKT.
5636 AO583 viewsGrenda Corp-Peninsula Bus Lines (366) Mercedes OH1418/Austral Denning Starliner on a BCSV tour in 2009.
NDB 611157 viewsBallarat Coachlines Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches at the MCH car park on a charter in 1997.
5820 AO199 viewsBerwick Bus Lines (4) Mercedes OH1418/Ansair Orana seen here at Scienceworks November 2007.
MO 4013430 viewsBlue Ribbon Coaches (92) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/ Custom Coaches “310” which is still in service in Canary Yellow livery as 3556 MO with Hunter Valley Buses.
14 WBC272 viewsBus Queensland Ipswich (14) Mercedes Benz OH1418/Autobus at Redbank 10 March 2017 - ex 820 CNY.
m/o 8879903 viewsBusways (283) was one of 4 Mercedes-Benz OH1418s with Customs Coaches bodies at Blacktown. Barely lasting 5 years with Busways, all 4 passed to Fearnes at Wagga, then to Busabout Wagga and now reside with Buses 'R' Us in Adelaide.
MO 5315541 viewsBusways North Coast (499) Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches ex King Bros (329) still manages to look immaculate despite its lack of livery and dress rims in October 2007. It has been reregd 5574 MO.
03 CBL753 viewsCaboolture Bus Lines Mercedes-Benz OH1418 with Austral Denning 'Starliner' body.

06 CBL769 viewsCaboolture Bus Lines Austral Denning bodied Mercedes-Benz OH1418

2193 AO167 viewsCastlemaine Bus Lines (17) Mercedes OH1418/Ansair in Bendigo between school services in 2002.
2193 AO177 viewsCastlemaine Bus Lines (17) Mercedes OH1418/Ansair in Bendigo between school services in 2002.
MO 2712868 viewsEdwards of Armidale MO 2712 - Mercedes-Benz OH1418 with Custom Coaches body. Later registered 6028 MO.
MO 33131169 viewsFearnes (Wagga Wagga) MO 3313 is an Ansair 'Orana' bodied Mercedes-Benz OH1418 in advertising livery for Wagga Wagga Marketplace. Now 4017 MO with Busabout, Wagga.
MO 3313442 viewsFearnes Wagga Mercedes OH1418/Ansair in 2006. It became 4017 MO with Busabout Wagga before being sold to Carbrook Coaches, Loganholme, QLD as 357 RAX 6/10.
MO 4331148 viewsFearnes Coaches, Wagga Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches in advert livery for Office National in 2002.
MO 4641407 viewsFearnes Wagga is a Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches ex Busways Blacktown Pty Ltd, Blacktown (284) m/o 8877, in 2006. It became 4015 MO with Busabout, Wagga then sold to Buses 'R' Us, Salisbury South, SA as (92) 4015 MO 3/7/11, rereg (SA) SB 26 AS.
MO 4643373 viewsFearnes, Wagga Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches "228" ex Busways Blacktown Pty Ltd, Blacktown (282) m/o 8878, in 2008. It lost this colourful livery soon afterwards. It became 4013 MO with Busabout Wagga before being sold to Buses 'R' Us, Salisbury South, SA as (94) 4013 MO 3/7/11, rereg (SA) SB 28 AS.
MO 9184147 viewsFearnes, Wagga Wagga Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches in AOA for Hillis Ford in 2002.
0925SO324 viewsFenton, Maryborough Mercedes OH1418/PMCA seen a long way from home on the Monash Freeway 28th October 2016.
m/o 634549 viewsForster Bus Service have acquired this Mercedes OH1418 with ABM 'Starliner' body as (30) ex Connex (48), ex Pioneer Coaches ex m/o 7818. Since reregd 5837 MO. Then sold to a Tasmanian operator 3/11.
MO 9387138 viewsFuller, Couts Crossing Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches in Sydney working at the Olympics in 2000.
6359 AO237 viewsGrenda (254) Mercedes OH1418/PMCA Commuter ex MO 2937 (NSW) Sinclair, Bathurst, NSW., at the Flagstaff Gardens in December 2007. It has retained that fleet number and rego with Ventura.
0657 AO465 viewsPegasus Coaches recently acquired Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Ansair “Orana” ex Swan Hill Bus Lines Pty Ltd, Swan Hill, VIC 0657 AO by 3/14; ex Kingston, Stawell 0657 AO; ex Hately, Stawell 0657 AO; ex FJX 539; ex Williamson, Stawell FJX 539.
img953 - 1990 Mercedes-Benz OH1418 [PMC 160] Murray Bridge P_S_ [WPT 292] @ Murray Bridge c_19Aug2004.jpg
WPT 292158 viewsMurray Bridge Passenger Service 1900 Mercedes OH1418/PMC 160 at Murray Bridge c 19 August 2004.
img954 - 1993 Mercedes-Benz OH1418 [Newnham] Murray Bridge P_S_ [WRJ 787] @ Murray Bridge c_19Aug2004.jpg
WRJ 787160 viewsMurray Bridge Passenger Service 1993 Mercedes OH1418/Newnham at Murray Bridge c 19 August 2004.
img956 - 1995 Mercedes-Benz OH1418 [Ansair Busworks Orana] Murray Bridge P_S_ [WRR 808] @ Murray Bridge c_19Aug2004.jpg
WRR 808501 viewsMurray Bridge Passenger Service 1995 Mercedes OH1418/Ansair Orana at Murray Bridge c 19 August 2004.
m/o 812521 viewsHillsbus Mercedes OH1418/AD Starliner ex (12) Glenorie Bus Co, Dural, N.S.W., at Castle Hill
TV 6568318 viewsCumberland Coachlines Mercedes OH1418/Custom Coaches “310” ex GJ Haire, Boggabri 4163 MO 11/11; ex MO 2321 by 2/09; ex AR & JN McKenzie, Boggabri MO 2321, on rail at Parramatta.
m/o 5233 702 viewsAn unusual bus - Westbus Mercedes OH1418 with AB Denning bodywork, at Windsor.
m/o 8699312 viewsVeolia (671) Mercedes OHL1418/CC 210 ex Transit First (Demerton Pty Ltd), Bankstown (73) m/o 8699 1/2/07; ex West Bankstown Bus Service Pty Ltd m/o 8699, at Sutherland. That must have been one of the last photos taken at that stop as since the new interchange has opened route 993 no longer stops there and also the background is now a little bit different with a structure showing where new lifts are being built for platform 1.
FS 3906208 viewsManions’, Beaconsfield Mercedes OH1418/MBS Cityliner at Beaconsfield c 14 March 2014.
C 49 DL209 viewsManions’, Beaconsfield Mercedes OH1418/Ansair Orana at Exeter c 14 March 2014.
m/o 7317333 viewsTransdev NSW (674) Mercedes-Benz OH1418/Custom Coaches "510" still branded Veolia Transport, ex Transit First (Demerton Pty Ltd), Bankstown (76) m/o 7317; ex Baxter's Bus Lines (Holroyd Bus Lines Pty Ltd), Villawood (21) m/o 7317; ex Bustrans, Fairfield m/o 7317 9/4/04, at Sutherland on route 993 and it seems to have had its front end replaced (at least the bumper).
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