
MDI 081737 viewsSurfside Buslines (461) Bustech MDI ex demo rests in the shade at Tweed Heads before soon doing a route 768.

0364 AO674 viewsMelbourne Bus Link Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L"

986 KMP1470 viewsSurfside Buslines (767) Volvo B7RLE/Bustech VST awaits its next run at Tweed Heads.

868 KSF703 viewsHornibrook Buslines (124) Scania K230UB/Volgren CR228L in Translink livery at Scarborough.

2339 AO419 viewsSita Bus Lines (289) 2339 AO Toyota Coaster HZB50R/Arakawa

644 EVE1075 viewsSurfside Buslines unit 644 644-EVE Mercedes-Benz O405NH/Bustech makes its way to Tweed Heads while operating a route 605 from Murwillumbah.

5278 MO915 viewsSurfside Buslines unit 542 5278-MO Volvo B6M/CC heads back to Tweed depot after completing an afternoon school run. It is ex MO 0551, ex-Thompson, Casino, NSW MO 0551.

598 FJT1096 viewsSurfside Buslines unit 598 598-FJT Mercedes-Benz O405NH/Bustech heads back to Tweed depot after doing an afternoon school run.

5253 MO856 viewsSurfside Buslines unit 504 Hino RG197K/PMCA "160" heads back to Tweed depot after completing an afternoon school run. It is ex MO 3161, orig (502) MO.2549.

3827 MO927 viewsSurfside Buslines unit 566 3827-MO Hino RG197K/CC heads back to Tweed depot after completing it afternoon school run. It is ex MO 1684, ex-STA (3547) m/o 5680 B51D; ex-North and Western m/o 5680.

2883 AO and 5355 AO725 viewsSita Bus Lines (89) 2883 AO Volvo B10B/Volgren and (155) 5355 AO Volvo B12BLE/Volgren "CR221L"

0355 AO855 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (355) Volvo B10BLE/Volgren "CR222L" ex PLQ 076

0334 AO & 0343 AO879 viewsMelbourne Bus Link 334 and 343 both MAN SL200/Ansair MK2, Laying over between duties at Footscray Depot, bus 334 is now Withdrawn.

TV 1326303 viewsThis is a MAN 16.290 HOCL-R with bodywork from Coach Design, from Bankstown Coaches, ex Winglong Coaches; ex Wattle Coaches returning to the depot after a Bulletbus run in August 2009.

Carbrook coaches Mils tuli Orbit472 viewsIt's Ekka time Again in Brisbane and this bus was dropping School Children off to the ekka

5461 AO591 viewsDysons (305) Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR227L"

m/o 9494303 viewsOn North Shore Line rail replacement last week is this Forest Coach Lines Mercedes Benz O500LE Euro IV with Custom Coaches CB60 Evo II body.Seen herew in August 2009.

m/o 8435 349 viewsHillsbus Volvo B10MA/Custom Coaches CB50 on Optus Shuttle 993 in August 2009.

m/o 9520352 viewsHillsbus Scania K310UB with the 2500th Volgren body to be built by their Dandenong plant. Seen here in August 2009 on Optus shuttle 993.

m/o 7545390 viewsThis is a Mercedes Benz O405NH with Custom Coaches "Series 550" bodywork from Hillsbus seen here in August 2009.

m/o 7605332 viewsRunning special is Hillsbus Mercedes Benz O405 with a single door Custom Coaches "Series 510" body seen her in August 2009.
![Filename=img445 - TransitPlus Volvo B10ML [Fuji] articulated No_3308 [VGS-403] @ King William Rd [12Aug09].JPG
Date added=Jul 16, 2016 img445 - TransitPlus Volvo B10ML [Fuji] articulated No_3308 [VGS-403] @ King William Rd [12Aug09].JPG](albums/userpics/10004/thumb_img445%20-%20TransitPlus%20Volvo%20B10ML%20%5BFuji%5D%20articulated%20No_3308%20%5BVGS-403%5D%20%40%20King%20William%20Rd%20%5B12Aug09%5D.JPG)
VGS 403340 viewsTransitPlus (308) Volvo B10ML/Fuji in King William Road 12/8/2009.
![Filename=img448 - TransitPlus Volvo B10ML artic [Fuji] No_3308 [VGS-403] @ King William Rd [12Aug09].JPG
Date added=Jul 16, 2016 img448 - TransitPlus Volvo B10ML artic [Fuji] No_3308 [VGS-403] @ King William Rd [12Aug09].JPG](albums/userpics/10004/thumb_img448%20-%20TransitPlus%20Volvo%20B10ML%20artic%20%5BFuji%5D%20No_3308%20%5BVGS-403%5D%20%40%20King%20William%20Rd%20%5B12Aug09%5D.JPG)
VGS 403309 viewsTransitPlus (308) Volvo B10ML/Fuji in King William Road 12/8/2009.

7408 AO936 viewsVentura #200 Designline Hybrid, Designline. at Lonsdale St, City (Outside Myers) on route 251 to Garden City.

0332 AO782 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (332) 0332 AO MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" in the Workshop at Footscray depot.

4914 AO813 viewsWestrans Altona (35) 4914 AO Volvo B10M MkII/Volgren, ex Westrans Sunshine (35) 4914 AO, is seen working a 410 to Sunshine.

4265 AO799 viewsDysons (104) 4265 AO Denning - GM/Denning "Landseer" leaves Melbourne Bus Link's Footscray Depot, heading to Southern Cross Station, where it will then run a service to Barham.

5429 AO963 viewsDysons (306) 5429 AO Scania K124EB/Coach Design laying over at Melbourne Bus Link Footscray Depot.

5912 AO605 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (412) 5912 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L"

6289 AO633 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (89) 6289 AO Iveco Metro C260/Volgren "CR228L"

6285 AO645 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (85) 6285 AO Iveco Metro C260/Custom Coaches "CB60"

3856 AO650 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (56) 3856 AO Hino RK250/ABM "Starliner 3"

3864 AO571 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (64) 3864 AO Mercedes Benz O.500LE/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at the Morwell depot.

3848 AO542 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (48) 3848 AO Hino RK176K/Custom Coaches, is seen at the Morwell depot.

3836 AO542 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (36) 3836 AO Mercedes Benz OH1421L/Custom Coaches, is seen at the Traralgon depot.

Latrobe Valley562 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines Iveco Metro C260/Custom Coaches "CB60"

3864 AO586 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (64) 3864 AO Mercedes Benz O.500LE/Volgren "CR228L",

0332 AO634 viewsMelbourne bus link 332 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 ex OVO369 about to commence a 232 to North Altona

0336 AO672 viewsMelbourne bus link (336) 0336 AO MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2", at Footscray Depot, awaiting to be Sold.

0343 AO606 views(343) Melbourne Bus Link MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 about to commence a School run, before doing a 232 to North Altona

825 GRW770 viewsSurfside's Bustech bodied Volvo B7RLE unit 825 at Robina Station while doing Football Charter duties.

0296 AO667 viewsMelbourne Bus Link 296 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2, Laying over between duties at Footscray Depot, this bus is now Withdrawn.

0353 AO652 viewsMelbourne Buslink (353) Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L" seen in advertising livery for Victoria University

TV 5605204 viewsThis is Telfords (150) Mercedes Benz O405/PMC ex Invicta Bus, Lilydale, VIC (80) (B41D); ex OOZ 302; ex Quince's Scenicruisers, Oakielgh, VIC OOZ 302; ex DKA 117. It no longer carries the fleet number. De-regd 8/7/2017 and sold to Tweed Heads by 12/17 regd as 120 XSL.

TP 1020519 viewsSwan Transit Perth 1020 Renault PR100.2/HPorter ex-UQB920 Transperth (1020) travels down Robinson Road on 322 bound for Helena Valley

TP 1512565 viewsSwan Transit Perth 1512 Mercedes Benz O405NH/Volgren "CR225L" on Nicholson Road Thornlie

TP 1544554 viewsTransperth Swan Transit TP1544 Mercedes Benz O405NH/Volgren "CR225L" 'NOT IN SERVICE' runs down Great Eastern Highway Greenmount on it's way back to Midvale Depot 22-08-09

TP 1568536 viewsSwan Transit Perth 1568 Mercedes Benz O405NH/Volgren "CR225L" rolling down Great Eastern Highway heading for Perth City

TP 1572562 viewsTransperth Swan Transit TP1572 Mercedes Benz O405NH/Volgren "CR225L" exits Thornlie Station where it waits for the green light to turn onto Spencer Road to continue its journey to Huntingdale 21-08-09

TP 1580582 viewsTransperth Swan Transit TP1580 Mercedes Benz O405NH/Volgren "CR225L" sits at Thornlie Station awaiting passengers for the run to Murdoch on Route 206 21-08-09

TP 1643616 viewsSwan Transit Perth 1643 Mercedes Benz OC500LE CNG/Volgren "CR228L" exits Thornlie Station about to turn onto Spencer Road on Route 228 bound for Gosnells via Maddington

m/o 1955236 views(107) is heading to Hornsby on rail with the first stop being Chatswood in August 2009. It is a Scania K94UB with Volgren "CR228L" bodywork from Transdev TSL.

m/o 8701251 viewsTransdev TSL (25) which is a Mercedes Benz O405 with Custom Coaches "Series 228" body. On Rail standby in August 2009.

UQB 648856 viewsSwan Transit Perth 648 Renault PR100.2/JWBolton on Great Eastern Highway Redcliffe. Since reregd TP648

TV 3743248 viewsWarrigal Charters Scania K92CR/Custom Coaches formerly registered 2222 MO, and is ex Marshalls of Moruya, "Scout" 2222 MO 29/12/08; ex MO 0919; ex The Moruya Bus Co (Davding Pty Ltd) MO 0919; ex Busways (121) m/o 7727, seen here in August 2009. It has been reregd TV 7553.

m/o 482873 viewsState Transit (4828) Volvo B12BLE/Custom Coaches CB60 in AOA at Railway Square 30 August 2009. It was included in the region 6 transfer to Transit Systems.