
0364 AO674 viewsMelbourne Bus Link Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L"

MYD199352 viewsMetbus #199 MAN SL200/Ansair MK1

2339 AO419 viewsSita Bus Lines (289) 2339 AO Toyota Coaster HZB50R/Arakawa

FXM 336378 viewsThe MET #245 MAN SL200/Ansair MK1

FXM 328401 viewsThe MET #248 MAN SL200/Ansair MK1 seen at Latrobe Uni.

2883 AO and 5355 AO725 viewsSita Bus Lines (89) 2883 AO Volvo B10B/Volgren and (155) 5355 AO Volvo B12BLE/Volgren "CR221L"

Volvo B59633 viewsVolvo B59/Ansair 850 on Avalon airshow shuttles.

MWE 300568 viewsMetbus #300 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 seen at Footscray Depot.

MWE307487 viewsMetbus #307 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 seen at Altona North Bus Interchange

MWE315475 viewsMetbus #315 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 seen at Altona North Bus Interchange.

MWE 330450 viewsMetbus #330 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 seen at Footscray Depot

MWE 347395 viewsMetbus #347 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 at Deer Park West

MYD104803 viewsVolvo B10ML/Fuji Artic # 04 with MAN SL200/Ansair "MK 1" # 104 at Doncaster Depot

MWE 332719 viewsMAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" 332 and the XPT at Spencer Street Station

MYD1961082 viewsMAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" 196 on a charter at Hawthorn Tram Depot

MYD187693 viewsFootscray Depot MAN SL200 MK1 187, MAN SL200 MK2 347 and 349.

Footscray Depot740 viewsLine up of Volvo's and MAN's at Footscray Depot

0355 AO855 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (355) Volvo B10BLE/Volgren "CR222L" ex PLQ 076

0334 AO & 0343 AO879 viewsMelbourne Bus Link 334 and 343 both MAN SL200/Ansair MK2, Laying over between duties at Footscray Depot, bus 334 is now Withdrawn.

MWE 324594 viewsBirney 15 and Open toast rack tram 17 with Volvo B59/Ansair 850, MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" 324 and Hino bus, at Bendigo Tram depot.

7524 AO656 viewsBayside Coaches (24) 7524 AO Volvo B9R/Coach Concepts seen on a Charter to the race at Flemington on Melbourne Cup day 2010.

1009 AO372 viewsDriver Bus Lines (9) 1009 AO Volvo B10M MkIII/Volgren seen on a charter to Melbourne Cup.

5461 AO591 viewsDysons (305) Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR227L"

FXM 154441 viewsSeen at Russell St in the City, is 4 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK1 in 3 different liveries.

FXM 318354 viewsNational #358 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK2 at Garden City

FXM 333462 viewsThe Met #231 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK1 at Mitcham Station

MAN SL200450 viewsMAN SL200/Ansair MK1 at Fishermans Bend on last day of Government bus operation of North Fitzroy & Doncaster depots.

FXM 143238 viewsNational Bus Company #143 MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" at Doncaster depot.

FXM 326248 viewsNatioanal Bus #277 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 at Northland

FKX 192631 viewsNational Bus Company # 192 M.A.N SL200/Ansair "MK1"

withdrawn buses559 viewsClifton Hill depot with withdrawn buses MMTB AEC MK 6's ,Leyland Nationals and buses from MBBL

Volvo B10ML618 viewsVolvo B10ML/Fuji Heavy Industries and a MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" at back of Doncaster Depot.

MYE 007558 viewsVolvo B10ML/Fuji Heavy Industries #07 is seen on Route 260 leaving City for East Doncaster.

IUG 887518 viewsVolvo B59/Ansair's all in MMTB Livery at North Fitzroy Depot.

Footscray Depot587 viewsMAN's and Volvo at Footscray Depot

MAN SL200s598 viewsLine up of MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" in the workshop at Footscray Depot.

BTZ 500190 viewsEldred, Leongatha BTZ500 at Spencer St Station, awaiting it's next V/line run. Graeme Bennett Collection

2845 AO260 viewsWestrans Sunshine 20 Volvo B10M MK1/Volgren

2846 AO249 viewsWestrans Sunshine 21 Volvo B10M MK1/Volgren

0332 AO782 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (332) 0332 AO MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" in the Workshop at Footscray depot.

4914 AO813 viewsWestrans Altona (35) 4914 AO Volvo B10M MkII/Volgren, ex Westrans Sunshine (35) 4914 AO, is seen working a 410 to Sunshine.

Line up of Dysons Buses713 viewsThe first bus is 153 4304 AO a Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L", the one behind it is a Mercedes Benz O405NH/Volgren "CR221L" ex Northern Bus Lines.

7826 AO627 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (426) 7826 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at Footscray depot.

7828 AO580 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (428) 7828 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at Footscray depot on its first day of service.

2322 AO376 viewsSita Bus Lines 2322 AO Volvo B10M/Volgren

3924 AO301 viewsWarrnambool Bus Lines/Transit South West (24) 3924 AO Mercedes Benz O500LE/Volgren "CR228L" seen at Warrnambool Train Station

7824 AO523 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (424) 7824 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at Footscray depot on its first day of service.

7824 AO556 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (424) 7824 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at Footscray depot on its first day of service.

7824 AO522 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (424) 7824 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at Footscray depot on its first day of service.

0349 AO869 viewsMelbourne Bus LINK 349 MAN SL200/Ansair "Mk2" seen about to depart Sunshine Station on a route 220 to City, during its final weeks in service, before being sold to Torrens Transit, SA.

4265 AO799 viewsDysons (104) 4265 AO Denning - GM/Denning "Landseer" leaves Melbourne Bus Link's Footscray Depot, heading to Southern Cross Station, where it will then run a service to Barham.

5429 AO963 viewsDysons (306) 5429 AO Scania K124EB/Coach Design laying over at Melbourne Bus Link Footscray Depot.

5912 AO605 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (412) 5912 AO Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L"

7825 AO122 viewsTransdev Melbourne #425 Scania K230UB/Volgren CR228L

0352 AO627 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L" is seen in the morning at Sunshine Park. awaiting to do its next run. Also the bus is in AOA for Sony Ericsson.

6963 AO538 viewsDysons 472 Scania K420EB/Irizar 'Century' at Leongatha on a V/line run to Melbourne.

BCI Hybrid Low Floor at Melbourne Bus Link514 viewsMelbourne Bus Link have a BCI Hybrid Low Floor at on loan.
It has not been used on route service, and we'll most likely not get used in route service.

1461 AO263 viewsMoreland Bus Lines (88) 1461 AO Mitsubishi Fuso Rosa/Fuso

4126 AO295 viewsCrown Coaches (26) 4126 AO BCI JXK6930 Hybrid/BCI

BS 01 WB118 viewsDysons #BS01WB BCI Proma 33/BCI seen on route 509 service in early 2016.